Kings of the World

by Esther Elizabeth Suson [Snapshot] I love riding the MRT. No matter how crowded it is, how broken the aircons, how rattly the sounds, I love it. Especially when the train swoops over the street, at treetop level and even higher, the sky showing through the skyscrapers when it is normally invisible from the street. … Continue reading Kings of the World

Snapshots of June: Coins, Kisses, and Independent Steps

by Esther Elizabeth Suson Tic. While falling in line for the ticket-card at the Shaw Boulevard MRT station, I was looking around to keep occupied. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a young man putting his change in his pocket. Suddenly he paused and glanced around wildly, like you do when you've … Continue reading Snapshots of June: Coins, Kisses, and Independent Steps